/* pop ups */
We are delighted that you have decided to try Teamogy!

We will gladly allow you to explore the system comfortably and quickly. You have the following options:

Online Teamogy presentation
Our consultant will guide you through a free online presentation called “”FIRST TASTE”” and will also introduce you to a demo version of the Teamogy system.

Online Teamogy presentation + free 14-day trial
We will guide you through the online presentation “FIRST TASTE”, introduce Teamogy, and give you access to the free 14-day trial.
From our point of view, this is the most effective way to start discovering Teamogy and all the benefits it has in store for your company.

In the questionnaire below, choose which option you are interested in for your trial of Teamogy. We are looking forward to seeing you and your team!

First name
Last name
Work email
Company name
Company web site
Estimated number of users
Promo code
After submitting the form, confirm your e-mail address. If you do not receive it immediately, please check your spam folder.

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