Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy

Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.

Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat

Setup your Teamogy

Setup your Teamogy  Make general Teamogy setup to be sure that the system will fit your needs. It so simple to startRegional setting It is important to be sure that all regional setting like VAT rates, available currencies, etc.. are corresponding to your region....

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About User Training

About User Training Let's involve and invite more people into Teamogy and prepare the training plan for all users in your agency. Do the training based on your plan to be sure that all users can use Teamogy for their daily work soon. How to invite team into...

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Using Teamogy

Using Teamogy Teamogy is running in agency. To use Teamogy will become the habit withing the first twenty days. It is important to keep this on track and be sure that everyone is using it as you defined at the begining. For sure, if you will find out some processes or...

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Certify A Company

Certify A CompanyFirst, open the Company you would like to certify. Read more in Find The Company article. Some of the companies are used for sensitive financial operations: invoices are issued to clients and invoices are also received from suppliers. To ensure that...

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Add New Brand To A Client

Add New Brand To A ClientYou can create as many brands as you want for your clients. The Brand may include the brand logo and the client’s responsible person for the brand. All of these brand details help you to gain faster orientation among many additional running...

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Version 1.10

What's new in Teamogy 1.10 Release date 2019-03-08  Improvements Online chat with Teamogy support Tables in documents: rows categorisation including summary on category row Tables in documents: possibility to reorder rows (move row up/down) Documents can be...

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Add Another Address

Add Another AddressA Company can have several different addresses, such as an official registered office address, correspondence address, or ordering address. Teamogy allows you to keep all of them safe and secure. 1. Click On the tab Addresses.  2. Fill in...

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Create A Company

Create A CompanyThere are two option to create a new Company.  First option: New company from the view Contacts 1. In the left navigation menu, scroll Contacts. 2. Click on the Companies view. 3. Click on the New company button.4. Complete all details. Mandatory...

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Create A Person

Create A PersonOpen the Company for which you want to add a new person. Read more in Find The Company article. 1. Click on Edit. On the tab People click on Add new person.  2. Fill in details. Mandatory fields are red underlined (can be different by country...

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