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Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat
Work With Table
Work With TableIt is very important to know work with table at Purchase Order. Look at the table below. Table in Purchase order is much easier than in Sales Quotation. Values in column Price total are values given as a Price/1 multiplied by count. If you sum Price...
About Purchase Order
About Purchase OrderExternal sub-deliveries are an important part of job execution. It’s not easy to keep an eye on all activities related to it: coordination and overview of deadlines, goods or services delivered, and following the approval, accepting and...
Work With Table
Work With TableThe table is a key source of estimated financial information and therefore it’s very important to know how to work with it. Columns description and using Count it is a quantity of hours/service/goods. Cost/1 it is a buying price of one external...
About Sales Quotation
About Sales QuotationSales Quotation is a key document in Teamogy system. A well-crafted quotation is crucial for completing a profitable job. Ensure that you have the document design and also the content under control before it leaves the company. Making a quotation...
About General Document
About General DocumentDocument is a basic document type in the Teamogy system. Use Document to create a simple document like a letter, an invitation, or any general document. It enables you to easily create documents with a header and body text. You can easily format...
Version 2.2
What's new in Teamogy 2.2 Release date: 2019-04-13 Improvements Currency rates can be downloaded from national banks - Czech National Bank, Polish National Bank and European Central Bank More information displayed in visual Time recorder in each Time record -...
Print Optimization
Print OptimizationRemove Headers and Footers If you do not like the default Teamogy Headers and Footers, we will show you how to disable it. 1. Find Document which you would like to Print out. 2. Click on the icon of the printer.3. Select unroll More Settings. 4. At...
Send Sticker
Send Sticker1. Add new Sticker. 2. Click on the icon of the envelope. Choose the person you want to send sticker to.3. The sticker is sent to your colleague and will be displayed on his / her dashboard.Get in Touch If you have problem or need further assistance, do...
9. Extensive reports and overviews
9. Extensive reports and overviewsIt is like the entire Company is in the palm of Your hand. To be able to see an overview of the entire company, clients, or individual jobs from anywhere, anytime is a dream of any person related to this type of platform. Timely...
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