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React vývojář
React vývojář se s námi bude podílet na vývoji informačního systému Teamogy. Vizuální stránka našeho systému je zásadní pro to, aby se systém dobře prodával a aby ho uživatelé dobře přijali a s radostí používali.
About Time Report
About Time ReportTime report is a document of Teamogy, which shows you how many hours workers spent on the job and for what. Client require Time report sometimes. Without Teamogy it could be very annoying. Teamogy compose the Time report easily with few clicks....
New Time Report from Job View
New Time Report from Job View1. In the left navigation menu, Scroll Jobs. 2. Click on Job list. 3. Mark the job, from which you would like to compose a Time report. 4. Click on Compose of selected. 5. Choose Time Report.6. Complete all details. Mandatory fields are...
Search Contract
Search ContractSearch or sort your Contracts in Teamogy easily thanks to breadcrumbs. Use breadcrumb Type and choose Contract. System will show you only Contracts.Get in Touch If you have problem or need further assistance, do not hesitate contact Teamogy Support. Use...
Values In Job
Values in JobThe Job is the central point of the entire system. There are two types of values in Job. We would like to introduce you what these values mean. Quoted values These values come from Sales Quotation. Billings - If we go back to our Sales Quotation from our...
About Contract
About ContractThe Contract is a document which creates a legal obligation for an agency and another party to perform specific acts. Each party is legally bound to perform the specified duties such as rendering a payment or delivering goods. To have contracts...
Common Work With Table
Common Work With TableIt is very important to know work with table, especially with the rows in the table. In the following steps we will show you how to work with table. Adding 1/5/10 rows at the end of the table - Click on the icons. Adding row above in the table...
Version 2.3
What's new in Teamogy 2.3 Release date: 2019-04-26 Improvements Email notifications from process - users are notified about their expected activity Teamogy manuals are available directly from the product Bug fixes Logo is not printed on a first time - FIXED...
About Meeting Report
About Meeting ReportMeeting report is the right document, if you need to write down something from a meeting with the team, management, or client. The Meeting report is a helpful document for every agency. It’s always very important to document a report from a meeting...
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