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Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.
Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat
Moving the calendar dates back or forward
Moving the Calendar Dates Back or ForwardWhen you open the Time Recorder, it shows today’s date and the number of recorded days (depending on selected mode). If you want to see other weeks, or months, or periods, you can change the date on the calendar to the past....
Zoom from 1 week to 5 weeks
Zoom from 1 week to 5 weeksIt is also possible to zoom from 1 week to 5 weeks. The more weeks you choose, the more weeks are available for you to view. One week is recommended for daily work with Time Recorder, 4 or 5 weeks for a monthly overview of recorded hours.Get...
Switching between Jobs / My Jobs / Tasks / Client overheads / Internal overheads and searching
Switching between Jobs / My Jobs / Tasks / Client overheads / Internal overheads and searchingIt is easy to search for a required Job, Task, or Overhead. Just switch between these categories, search by Client name, Job/Overhead name, or other criteria and choose the...
Details of Time Record
Details of Time recordA few things you need to know about Time record: Recorded time is displayed. Brown box time recorded on Job or Task. Grey box time recorded on Client or Internal overhead. Job/Overhead number is displayed. Client and Brand name is displayed....
New Time Record for selected Job / Tasks / Overheads
New Time Record for selected Jobs / Tasks / OverheadsYou can select a required Job, Task or Client/Internal overhead in the Time Recorder and easily record time on it. The advantage of this approach is that the Job or Client/Internal overhead number is automatically...
New Time Record
New Time RecordA New Time Record can be easily created by the New Time Record button. You can quickly create a new Time Record from anywhere in the system. Click on the New Time Record button. Complete all mandatory fields, press SAVE button, and that's it! Check the...
Version 2.5
What's new in Teamogy 2.5 Release date: 2019-05-17New major functionality Automatic Job item creation from Sales Quotation Proforma invoice has been added as new financial document Improvements Task Board - new button for quick task creation Warning for not...
New Time Record By Quick Button
New Time Record by Quick ButtonYou can quickly create a new Time Record from anywhere in the system. Click on Quick Button and select Time Record inside it. Complete all mandatory fields, press SAVE button and that's all. Check the GIF below.Tips & Tricks There...
Version 2.4
What's new in Teamogy 2.4 Release date: 2019-05-10New major functionality Task board - new way how to easily work with tasks. Just move from one status to another. Improvements Possibility to setup custom criteria for default sorting in any view Certification...
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