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Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat

Version 2.9

What's new in Teamogy 2.9 Release date: 2019-06-15  Improvements New board (status) view for Jobs Reorganisation of left navigation menu Possibility to define who can restart the process Improvement details  1. New board (status) view for Jobs Jobs now can...

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Version 2.8

What's new in Teamogy 2.8 Release date: 2019-06-07  Major functionality Export to Excel   Improvements Company - attachments - add attachments to Company. Sales invoices - proforma invoices  - values of proforma invoices visible in views Bug fixes Invoices -...

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Version 2.7

What's new in Teamogy 2.7 Release date: 2019-05-31  Improvements Job owner visible in Sales / Supplier invoice table - now it's possible to send invoices for approval to Job owners automatically. New option for Sales / Supplier invoices sorting - by due date....

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About Binder

About BinderBinder is a place, where every company can collect records for one large campaign. Do you have big campaign for one client and have many records in Teamogy due to this? Then Binder is the right feature for you. Now there is possibility to sort Documents,...

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Use Binder in Views

Use Binder in ViewsBinder is a tool, which can be used in vary views. Check the GIF below.Get in Touch If you have problem or need further assistance, do not hesitate contact Teamogy Support. Use online chat (inside Teamogy or everywhere on www.Teamogy.com in the...

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Group Records to Binder

Group Records To BinderIn the first step we created a binder. We can put the records to the Binder. Check the GIF below.Get in Touch If you have problem or need further assistance, do not hesitate contact Teamogy Support. Use online chat (inside Teamogy or everywhere...

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Create a Binder

Create a Binder1. In the left navigation menu, scroll Documents. 2. Click on the Binders view. 3. Click on the New document button. 4. Choose Binder.5. Complete all details. Once you complete all requested details, press SAVE button.6.  Perfect! The binder is created....

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Version 2.6

What's new in Teamogy 2.6 Release date: 2019-05-24Major functionality New entity Binder - possibility to put together various records (jobs, documents, etc.)   Improvements Task Statuses - new header line & possibility to expand or collapse all tasks Number...

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Mail:to links

Mail:to linksGmail In section List of Colleagues on your Dashboard you have contact information of your colleagues. There are also mail:to links, once you click on the photo of the colleague. You can easily click on them. If your settings are ok, browser will...

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