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Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.

Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat

About Capacity Plan

About Capacity planCapacity plan is the tool which enables you to see the entire agency workload in visual form. Each task is represented by allocation, which determines the person’s workload each day. A few points you need to know about Capacity plan: Each bead...

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Task List – Filters

Task List - FiltersDistinguish between My Tasks (Assigned to me or participating in) & All Tasks!Try other filters to make your work faster and more efficient. Example of using other filters is in GIF below. Get in Touch If you have problem or need further...

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Version 2.11

What's new in Teamogy 2.11 Release date: 2019-07-29  Improvements Graphs in view Task status Custom range - filter your documents faster than ever! Financial reports - check quoted/recorders hours on job Tag in task   Bug Fixes Clone fix - clone button will...

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Task Status - FiltersIf you see only your Tasks, change the filter to see the Tasks of other employees.Try other filters to make your work faster and more efficient. An example of using other filters is below.Get in Touch If you have problem or need further...

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How It Works

Task Statuses - How It WorksChange Task’s Status in a few seconds. Check the GIF below.Get in Touch If you have problem or need further assistance, do not hesitate contact Teamogy Support. Use online chat (inside Teamogy or everywhere on www.Teamogy.com in the lower...

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Task Statuses LayoutThe Task Status is helpful to coordinate Tasks and their status. It’s easy to check the Task status of all/selected employees in just a few seconds. Column’s description Firstly, there is the name of the employee (e.g. Frank Sample, George Simon),...

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Create A Task By Quick Button

Create A Task By Quick ButtonWe would like to offer you the fastest way how to use the Teamogy. Quick Button is one of this features. Check the GIF below to get you know, how to create a Task by Quick Button. Complete All Details. Mandatory Details are red underlined...

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Version 2.10

What's new in Teamogy 2.10 Release date: 2019-06-29  Improvements Possibility to share Time Tracks and Tasks across more business units Speed improvement in loading large data volume New user can be created as a DRAFT user and activated later Attachments as...

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