Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy
Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.
Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat
New Card bill reimbursement
New Card bill reimbursement1. In the left navigation menu unroll Financial. 2. Click on Cashbox. 3. Click on New Voucher. 4. Choose New Card bill reimbursement. Pair Card Bill Reimbursement to the relevant Job. If you did right (see here), you will see the value of...
About Cashbox
About CashboxTeamogy has also perfect features for financial management. Cashbox is a overview of cash and card transactions. Our Cashbox in Teamogy is divided into two parts. First part is called Cashbox. There are all cash transactions of your company. Switch to...
New Time Report from Job
New Time Report from Job1. In the left navigation menu, Scroll Jobs. 2. Click on Job list. 3. Open the Job, from which you would like to compose a New time report.4. Click on Compose. 5. Choose Time Report. 6. Complete all details. Mandatory fields are red underlined...
Nowy Timesheet
Nowy raport z timesheetów
Notatka ze spotkania
About Purchase Invoice
About Purchase InvoiceTeamogy has the ability to enter all Purchase invoices so the company can keep track of every dollar they spend. 1. Purchase invoices in Teamogy are assigned to: Jobs – Job-related costs are connected directly with a particular job and are called...
About Sales Invoice
About Sales InvoiceTeamogy allows for the creation of Sales invoices for your clients – easy to create, approved internally, and sent to the client (as a PDF, for example). Sales invoices also meet all legal requirements of your territory: VAT rates Legal texts...
About Task Statuses
About Task StatusesTask status enables you to see the phases of many Tasks in one overview. It helps every company to know every Task’s status. In this view you can change the status of the Task easily just by dragging the Task. The status indicates which phase the...
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