Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy
Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.
Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat
VAT Balance
VAT Balance This chart shows the VAT Balance – the difference between the VAT on Sales Invoices and the VAT on Purchase Invoice. The positive column (green bar) shows the obligation to pay the VAT – the situation when your VAT on Sales Invoices (Output VAT) exceeds...
O Projekcie
Nowy Timesheet dla wybranego Jobu / Zadania / Budżetu
VAT Report
VAT ReportThe VAT report shows the VAT values from Sales and Purchase invoices and provides useful information about the amount of the VAT obligation (deduction) for each month. The VAT report contains the individual financial documents (Sales and Purchase invoices)...
P&L Report
P&L ReportThe P&L report consists of individual financial documents (Sales and Purchase invoices including internal documents), which are assigned to the relevant Job, Client overhead or Internal Overhead. This report shows the company’s actual profit. How...
Operation Report
Operation ReportThe Operation Report shows the agency’s Operation costs sorted by individual Internal Overheads. It compares the estimated value of individual Overheads with the real cost. In addition, it displays the time spent information on internal projects. The...
Business Report
Business ReportThe Business Report shows results of individual overheads of the Jobs and Client. Actual values (billing, costs, and time) are compared to the approved client quotation. Problematic areas of Jobs, such as under-invoicing, higher costs, or more hours...
New Internal Costs
New Internal CostsThis document is useful if you need to record the costs on the Job or Overhead for which you do not have an invoice or other tax documents (example: employee salaries, depreciation, and others) or you need to transfer costs between Jobs or Overheads....
New Internal Billings
New Internal BillingsThis document is useful if you need to record the billings on the Job or Overhead for which you do not have an invoice or other tax documents (example: income from insurance incident, currency rate differences, and others) or you need to transfer...
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