Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy
Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.
Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat
Accrual Basis Performance
Accrual Basis PerformanceAccrual basis performance helps to track company performance based on Jobs, Client Overheads, and Internal Overheads. This chart shows Revenues (green bar) and Costs (blue bar) for the selected months. The chart locates both Revenues and Costs...
Monthly Operating Costs Planning
Expense Forecast - Monthly Operating Costs PlanningThe overheads of the entire company can be planned clearly from one place, even by month. Model your expected company expenses by specific items or groups and collaborate with selected colleagues to plan them. Once...
Clients by Gross Margin
Clients by Gross Margin This chart shows client ranking by Gross Margin and also shows Gross Profit as additional information. Client Gross Margin is represented by the dark grey bar. Client Gross Profit is represented by the light grey bar. Gross Margin is...
Clients by EHP
Clients by EHP This chart shows client rankings by Effective Hourly Payroll. This is a perfect criterion for measuring real client profitability. Effective Hourly Payroll is calculated per client as Gross Margin divided by Recorded Hours in a selected period and is...
Version 2.14
What is new in 2.14 version?
Major Functionality: Financial Board
Improvements: Search in Breadcrumbs, Dropdownable in Time Recorder, Task Report, User Area Changes
Bug fix: Proforma fix, Better job table print
Výkony bez časového omezení
Cash Basis PerformanceVýkony bez časového omezení umožňují sledovat finanční výkonnost agentury na základě Klientských a Dodavatelských faktur. Tento graf zobrazuje Tržby (zelený pruh) a Náklady (modrý pruh) pro vybrané měsíce. Šedivá linka znázorňuje Vývoj...
Clients By Recorded Hours
Clients by Recorded Hours This chart shows client ranking by the number of Recorded hours. This chart tells you which clients use your agency people the most. Effective Hourly Payroll is used as additional information – you can double-check if the most served clients...
Financial Terminology
Financial TerminologyNumbers, reports and their correct interpretation are the key to successful company management. Therefore, it is very important to understand what each number means. We have put together a table that clearly explains the financial terms used in...
Create A Task From View II
Create A Task From View IIWe have offered you fast ways to use the Teamogy. We have another fast way to create a task for you. Check the GIF below to get you know, how to create a task really fast. First, go to the task statuses view and then follow our guide.Complete...
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