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O Timesheecie
Version 2.16
What is new in 2.16 version?
Major Functionality: Comments
Improvements: Tasks in Job, Signature, Better Job Export, Searching by Company ID, Editable Tabs, Counterparty reference/invoice number
Version 2.15
What is new in 2.15 version?
Major Functionality: Stopwatch
Improvements: Composing documents from selected job items, New column in job table, Job Item creation driven by Quotation status
Bug fixes: Charts calculate also with operation billings
About Frequent Bad Habits
About Frequent Bad HabitsAlmost every company has some bad habits. We tried to describe some of them and at the same time to show them on graphic reports where they can be easily detected.Get in Touch If you have problem or need further assistance, do not hesitate...
About Financial Board
About Financial BoardThe finance board is a place that provides a clear view of the entire company. It contains charts with key indicators – overall evolution of revenues and costs of the company, according to financial and Job aspects, various views on client...
Jobs Are Not Closed Correctly
Jobs Are Not Closed Correctly The job is the basis of all operations at the company - it includes an approved quotation for the client, purchase orders placed to suppliers and Tasks for the internal team. All financial documents are related to the Job - it contains...
Cash Basis Performance
Cash Basis PerformanceCash basis performance helps to track company financial performance based on Revenues and Costs. This chart shows Revenues (green bar) and Costs (blue bar) for the selected months. The chart locates both Revenues and Costs into the period...
Not All Operating Costs Are Entered
Not All Operating Costs Are Entered Every company needs to manage not only Jobs but also operating costs. It is a great advantage to have everything in one system and have actual compay results immediately available. Often, the compay’s owners and management will...
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