Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy

Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.

Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat

Purchase Prepayment Invoice

Purchase Prepayment InvoiceTeamogy allows entering a Purchase Prepayment Invoice from your supplier. Once you pay a Purchase Proforma Invoice, you can receive a Purchase Prepayment Invoice from your supplier. Check the GIF below to see how to create a Purchase...

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Purchase Correction Invoice

Purchase Correction InvoiceTeamogy allows entering a Purchase Correction Invoice from your supplier. A Purchase Correction Invoice is for instances when your Supplier sent you an invoice that needs to be corrected. Correction Invoice can be modified by entering only...

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Nowa Umowa

Nowa Umowa1. W rozwijanym menu po lewej stronie wybierz Dokumenty. 2. Kliknij w Moje Dokumenty lub Wszystkie Dokumenty. 3. Kliknij w Nowy dokument. 4. Wybierz Nowy dokument. 5. Uzupełnij wszystkie szczegóły.Pola obligatoryjne są podkreślone na czerwono (mogą być różne...

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How To Restart Process

How To Restart ProcessDo you have the problem, that you would like to restart the process? It is not the problem for the user with the related rights. Just click on the white dots in the process area. Then click on the Restart & Press Submit. Check the GIF below,...

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