Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy

Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.

Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat


Export We also realize that reports are important to everyone and sometimes you need to work with them very advanced. Teamogy allows you to export all available data to Excel (.xls). Select the report you want to export, apply any filters if you want, and then click...

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About Internal Documents

About Internal DocumentsInternal documents are useful if you need to record either Billings or Costs for which you do not have an invoice or other tax documents (e.g. employee salaries, accounting estimates – accrued items, income from insurance incidents,...

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Speed Test

Do you feel the system is working slow?Our main goal is to offer you comfortable system. Do you want to check the speed of Teamogy? We would like to ask you to test your connection firstly, because then we can work with your results of the test. We do not want to...

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Sales Correction Invoice

Sales Correction InvoiceTeamogy allows for the creation of a Sales Correction Invoice for your clients. A Sales Correction Invoice is used in the event that you need to modify an already existing Sales Invoice. In a Sales Correction Invoice, you have three tables....

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Sales Invoice

Sales InvoiceTeamogy allows for the creation of a Sales invoices for your clients - easy to compose, internally approve and send to the client (as PDF for example). Sales Invoice is a basic type of Invoices, which we send to the clients.   Sales invoice can also meet...

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Sales Prepayment Invoice

Sales Prepayment InvoiceTeamogy allows for the creation of a Sales Prepayment Invoice for your clients. Sales Prepayment Invoice is used when we want the client to pay us in advance - before the service is provided or before the goods are delivered. Sales Prepayment...

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Sales Proforma

Sales Proforma InvoiceTeamogy allows for the creation of a Sales Proforma invoice for your clients – to ask your client for money in advance. The creation of a Sales Proforma invoice for your clients is easy to create, approved internally, and sent to the client (as a...

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Purchase Proforma

Purchase Proforma InvoiceTeamogy allows to create Purchase Proforma Invoice issued by your Suppliers - Purchase Proforma Invoice is a request for advanced payment issued by Supplier. Proforma is a payment request. If you are paying a Proforma invoice, the Supplier...

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Purchase Invoice

Purchase InvoiceTeamogy allows you to enter Purchase Invoices issued by your Suppliers. A Purchase Invoice is a basic type of Invoice that we receive from Suppliers. Check the GIF below to see how to compose the Purchase Invoice.There are a few details that are...

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