Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy
Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.
Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat
About Subtask
About Sub-taskSub-tasks are part of a Task. They are the way to divide one task into multiple Tasks for more people including their own time allocation. You will still have overview from the main Task to each Sub-tasks progress. Sub-tasks reduce original Task...
About Absence
About AbsenceThis functionality allows the company to plan various types of Absences, including its approval. Users can apply for vacation, home office, and other types of Absences. Absence requests may also have an approval process – the most common is when the...
Version 3.0
What is new in 3.0 version?
Notifications, Subtasks, Absence
NotificationsNotifications inform you about changes in the system that affect you directly. Notifications help you to keep updated information about your Tasks, Subtasks, Jobs, or comments. You can find your Notifications center in the upper right corner of the...
Clients By Recorded Hours
Change VAT
About Financial Board
O Pulpicie finansowymPulpit finansowy to miejsce, które zapewnia wyraźny obraz całej agencji. Zawiera wykresy z kluczowymi wskaźnikami - ogólną ewolucję przychodów i kosztów agencji, zgodnie z aspektami finansowymi i jobu, różne poglądy na rentowność i wydajność...
Create a New Client Overhead
Create Sales Invoice From View
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