Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy

Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.

Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat

Creating of Division and Department

Creation of Division and Department In the first step - Division and Department activation - we showed up how to activate the Divisions. Now the use of Divisions in Teamogy is activated, but now we need to create the specific Divisions that clients will use. 1. In the...

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Logo for Division and Department

Logo for Division and DepartmentIn the previous steps - We have activated and created the division. - now divisions and departments still have the general Teamogy settings. You need to set how divisions should be different from the general settings. In this tutorial,...

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Adding user into Division and Department

Adding user into Division and Department In the previous steps - We have activated, created the division. Also we set up a few things to the divison. Now we need to set division for particular users. You need to make sure that users belong to their divisions....

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Client Service Training

Client Service Team TrainingDuration: 2 x 2 hrs Participants: client service team - account/project managers, account executives, account directors, project leaders and other members participating on the work with client.Training agenda1. OverviewBig picture - job...

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About Subtasks

O dílčích úkolechDílčí úkoly jsou součástí úkolu. Jsou způsob, jak rozdělit jeden úkol mezi více dílčích úkolů pro více lidí zahrnující jejich vlastní časovou alokaci. Z hlavního úkolu budete mít přehled o všech dílčích úkolech a jejich aktuálním stavu. Dílčí úkoly...

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New Subtask

Create a Sub-task1. Open the Task for which you want to create a Sub-task. 2. Click on Sub-task. 3. Complete all Mandatory details (can be different, depends on company’s settings). 4. Press SAVE.Below we describe the Sub-tasks and their values in the main Task. PART...

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New Absence

New AbsenceThe simplest and fastest way for creating a new Absence is to use the Quick Button. 1. Click on the Quick Button in the top corner of the screen. 2. Choose Absence request. Check the GIF below on how to create an Absence by Quick Button.3. Complete All...

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