Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy

Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.

Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat

Import internal overheads

Import internal overheads (optional)This step is not essential, it is possible to start using Teamogy without any overheads are imported in advance. Anytime during working with Teamogy is possible to create a new overhead. Here is the guide how to create overhead, it...

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Import business contacts

Import business contacts (optional)This step is not essential, of course it is possible to start using Teamogy without any imported contacts. Anytime there is a new deal, job, supplier costs or whatever is needed to be linked with any business contact, is possible to...

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Set numbering sequence for financial documents

Set numbering sequence for financial documentsOf course Teamogy is ready to be used immediately without need to set up anything with our default numbering for all documents. But in case of need or special requirements is possible to change the numbering sequence for...

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Teamogy Appereance

Teamogy appearanceIt is Teamogy, but it is Teamogy of the client. Let's change the look of system and prinout of documents Is necessary to deliver logos for following use: Black theme of Teamogy White theme of Teamogy Logo for your letterhead (will appear on prinout...

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Client introduction to Onboarding

Client introduction to TeamogyKey people and users form client side should be known by Onboarding manager before the first real meeting of implementation starts. Onboarding manager should get those information from Sales representative of Teamogy. Number of units and...

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Scope of onboarding

Scope of onboardingBased on the selected type of license and onboarding programme is necessary to set the scope, what will be delivered by Teamogy to client. This topic is important for both sides. Teamogy goal is to provide, in the most effective way, the agreed set...

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Set up the Team

Set up Onboarding teamIf your company decided to have Teamogy consultant to help you and guide you throught to the implementation than you have already at least one member of the Onboarding team from Teamogy. Let's add also the guys from your company to set up the...

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Update your company information

Update your company information The company that works at Teamogy also has own details such as address, company ID, VAT ID, Bank account. These company information are shown in the system - for example in print versions of documents. Use this guide to change this...

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You can rely on Teamogy

You can rely on Teamogy!Statement on the current situation, 16. 3. 2020It is our first priority to ensure the perfect functionality of Teamogy. Without any downtime and with complete support as you are used to. Even in times of danger of being infected by a new virus....

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