Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy

Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.

Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat

Change language

Change LanguageIt is very simple to change the Language of the system. Each User have option to change the Language in Teamogy. 1. Click on your photo in User area in the top right corner of the screen.2. Click on User settings.3. Click on the option Change language....

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Font change

Font Change Teamogy allows you to change the font to a smaller or larger font size that will make your work with Teamogy more comfortable. 1. Click on your photo in User area in the top right corner of the screen.2. Click on User settings.3. Click on the option Font...

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Ready to Going live

Ready to Going liveThis step is formal end of onboarding.  Client should be aware that all agreed services beeing delivered. System is set and ready for use and users knows how to work and maintain the system. Now is time to sign the handover with client and also...

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Going live with Teamogy

Going live with TeamogyJust wow! So fast and we are ready to launch Teamogy in the company. Now the real work starts, mainly for key people in company, to keep pushing people to work with the new tool. But as we know after 20 days it will become a natural part of your...

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Back office & HR Training

Back office & HR TrainingThis part of training is dedicated to the group of users who taking care about the company and its people so well. Let's take a look what are the things, that are needed to be known by them. Teamogy might be so helpfull in various agendas....

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Handover of set up Teamogy

Handover of set up TeamogyIt's almost done. Client knows who will be doing what in Teamogy. Teamogy is set according to the client needs, so this step is about to confirm that everything is ready to for next step what is training and going live. Usually is this step...

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Set of dimensions and other advanced features

Set of dimensions and other advanced featuresClient may start with Teamogy immediately without more advanced set up. However for some clients might be interesting to set up some advanced features. Especialy various dimensions how to sort or categorise data in system....

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Activate basic approvals (optional)

Activate basic approvals (optional)In case the client decided to use basic approvals of important documents it is necessary to activate them and explain well to client. Entries what might be driven by predefine workflows are following: Quotation  Purchase order...

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