Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy

Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.

Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat

Teamogy Meet

Teamogy MeetWe have delivered a 100% open-source video conferencing solution that you can use all day with no account needed. Arrange meetings with colleagues or clients any time you would like to. Teamogy Meet is fully secure and ready to be your reliable partner....

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Collaborative mode

Collaborative modeCollaborative mode allows you to smoothly edit the Document by multiple users at the same time. It improves team collaboration in Teamogy. If the user is currently editing the Document, it will be locked for other users to edit. However other users...

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Teamogy Chat

Teamogy ChatChat in Teamogy is a really useful tool for communication of the entire team in the system. You can use a One to One message between two users or create Rooms between two and more users. You can use chat to write a message, send an attachment, picture or...

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Stopwatch Stopwatch is an useful tool that helps you to track your time. Choose to the specific Job, Task, Client overhead or Internal overhead for which you would like to start the stopwatch. Click on the Stopwatch icon and the system will start tracking your...

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Clone And Pair

Clone And PairCloning and Pairing Sales Quotation in Teamogy is a useful method that will fast up your work. This method allows you to clone an existing Sales Quotation and pair into the new/another Job. 1. Open with double-click the selected Sales Quotation that you...

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Cancel or Revoke cancelling

Cancel or Revoke cancellingYou can cancel Invoices, Sales Quotations, Orders and Absences or revoke cancelling by the button that is next to the SAVE and PROCESS button.Cancel 1. Choose Invoice, Sales Quotation, Order or Absence that you want to cancel. 2. Click on...

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How To Clone in Teamogy

How To Clone in TeamogyCloning in Teamogy is a quick and easy way how to create the same Document (Job, Invoice etc.) from existing one. In every element of Teamogy you could use CLONE button. This manual will show you How To Clone a Document. But you could apply this...

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Cancelling Process

Cancelling ProcessIf you have set up the process to your system, there is option to Cancel the process. This feature is available for users with advanced rights. By doing this action you will not cancel the whole document, but only the Process! There is important...

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