Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy
Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.
Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat
Raport z jobów
Raport z jobówRaport z jobów przedstawia wyniki uzyskane na pojedynczym jobie lub kliencie. Aktualne wartości (dane z faktur, koszty i czas) porównane są z wartościami z zaakceptowanego kosztorysu. Problematyczne aspekty jobów, takie jak niedowartościowanie, zbyt duże...
About Gems
About Gems GEMS in Teamogy is a section that is shared through all your company entities. GEMS are long-term valid documents and should not fit into a large number of other documents. It is easily traceable and specifically categorizable. You can share Case studies,...
Comparing Attendance and Time records
Comparing Attendance and Time recordsIt is really simple to compare Attendance and Time records of your colleagues in Teamogy. There are two views in Finance module that are prepared for your overview of Attendances and Time records. In these views you can compare...
Chat sound notification
Chat Sound Notification The Chat Sound Notification is a really useful tool that alerts you to all of your colleagues' messages. It is very simple to change the Chat Sound Notification settings. There are three options you can personalize. First, you can change the...
Raport moich jobów
RemittancesOption to mark Remittance of Invoices is a perfect tool for overview which Invoices have been already fully paid, partially paid or not paid. This option is switched off in DEFAULT. The user, who would like to mark the remittance, has to be in group Bulk...
Team job report
Team job reportSeparated view of Reports, where you can find all the Jobs for you are the Owner and subordinates’ Jobs. These reports show results of individual overheads of the Jobs and Client. Actual values (billing, costs, and time) are compared to the approved...
Own job report
Own job reportSeparated view of Reports, where you can find all the Jobs for you are the Owner. You can track your Job’s business performance and compare to sales quotations. These reports show results of individual overheads of the Jobs and Client. Actual values...
Modo colaborativo
Modo colaborativoEl modo colaborativo te permite editar sin problemas el documento por varios usuarios al mismo tiempo. Mejora la colaboración en equipo en Teamogy. Si el usuario se encuentra editando el documento, se bloqueará la edición para otros usuarios. Sin...
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