Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy
Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.
Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat
Credenciales de agencia y Teamogy
¿Qué quiere realmente el cliente de usted cuando pide sus “credenciales”?
New Cash bill of sale
New Cash bill of sale Cash bill of sale is a cash operation that can be paired to the Job. 1. In the left navigation menu unroll Financial. 2. Click on Cashbox. 3. Click on New Voucher. 4. Choose New Cash bill of sale.4. Choose Bill Reimbursement. Pair Purchase...
Timesheets are fine, they make more money
Timesheets, or filling them out, is not exactly the most popular activity among people in agencies. It’s a little better in the top management of agencies, but before I focus on a theoretical defense of why we should like timesheets, I will mention two examples from my agency experience. Timesheets that are filled in correctly, are your business friend.
How can Teamogy help you sell better to your clients?
It has happened to everyone – you send an estimate to a client and realize that the client does not like the proposed price. Clients express this disagreement with the price in various ways. These methods vary from straightforward and harsher words such as “Well, you must be crazy” or a more cultured version …
GreenSocS: “Everything you need is in one unified system.”
We are in the habit of getting feedback from our clients and users regarding how they work with Teamogy. This time, we talked with the owners of the digital agency GreenSocS, Tereza and Zdeněk Polansky, whose whole team uses Teamogy.
Agency Credentials and Teamogy
What does the client really want from when he asks for “credentials”?
We have introduced the QUALITY FOCUSED brand
Why do you have to look for the brand? Many of us often wonder how clean it really is back in the kitchen as we sit and eat a meal at a restaurant. Some clients may be wondering how it works inside their supplier‘s company.
Raport VAT
Raport VATPokazuje wartość VAT z faktur sprzedaży i faktur kosztowych oraz dostarcza przydatnych informacji o VAT odjętym w każdym miesiącu. Raport VAT zawiera pojedyncze dokumenty finansowe (faktury sprzedaży i kosztowe) oraz VAT z nich wyliczony. Rpoart pokazuje...
Raport z budżetów wewnętrznych
Raport z budżetów wewnętrznychRaport z budżetów wewnętrznych pokazuje koszty operacyjne agencji posortowane konkretnymi budżetami wewnętrznymi. Porównuje szacowaną wartość budżetu z jego realnymi kosztami. Dodatkowo daje informację jak dużo czasu zostało...
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