Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy

Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.

Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat

About Human Resources

About Human ResourcesEmployees are a key element for the success of any organization. It is important to use their work efforts effectively, care for them, and maintain the correct employee turnover in the company. The HR section will help you manage and control all...

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Be “IN” while “OUT OF OFFICE”
Be “IN” while “OUT OF OFFICE”

Fortunately, the pandemic is in decline, thanks to massive vaccination efforts in many countries. This also enables employees to return back to the offices. However, the pandemic has changed the view of working conditions, which involves working from whenever possible.

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New Task Report from Job

New Task Report from Job1. In the left navigation menu, Scroll Jobs. 2. Click on Job list. 3. Open the Job, from which you would like to compose a New Task Report. 4. Click on Compose. 5. Choose Task Report.6. Complete all details. Mandatory fields are red underlined...

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About Task Report

About Task ReportTask report is a document of Teamogy, which shows all the tasks that was created on the specific job.  Task report offers you a great overview in one document about all tasks that is paired to the job. It gives you all the information about the...

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Adjusting access rights

Adjusting Access RightsYou can easily set up the adjust access rights to any general or financial Document, Job or Task in Teamogy. 1. Go to the Document/Task/Job. 2. Click on the tab - Access.3. In the table Rights granted by owner, you will find options to change...

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Timesheets and Easy Entry
Timesheets and Easy Entry

Having accurate information regarding the time requirements for individual tasks is the primary source for calculating actual costs for implementing individual projects. This is the only way to detect an irregularity between how much time was spent and how much the client was billed for.

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