Šťastné a veselé z Teamogy

Přejeme Vám klidné a pohodové Vánoce. A ať si v roce 2021 můžete plnit své sny kdykoliv a odkudkoliv.

Mohlo by Vás ještě zajímat

About Journal

About JournalThe Journal is a list of all accounting records of the company. It is used for recording individual accounting cases. In the Journal, there are columns that help you to organize and specify all account cases. Column Details Date Accounting date - Date...

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About BI Export

BI ExportBI Export (Business Intelligence Export) allows you to export your key account data for other work and data mining or exporting into other BI solutions. It is primarily used to gather information about the items (Sales quotation, Invoices, Orders, Cash...

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Spend 20 hours a month doing better things than searching for documents
Spend 20 hours a month doing better things than searching for documents

It is a given that digitalizing documents in an organized, well-archived manner will improve the effectiveness of employees‘ work. Electronic document organization is also a simpler and less expensive solution than paper documents. However, according to many studies, organizing and searching for documents remains one of the biggest problems and time-wasters that employees face.

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How To Work With Items In Jobs

How To Work With Items In JobIt is very important to know how to work with items in the Job. Items represent external costs or your company’s work for the client. One of the the biggest benefit of items in the Job is that you can track the status of each item...

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Customized views

Customized viewsOption to save the current setup of breadcrumbs as a default You can save current setup of breadcrumbs as a default. Once you save the chosen breadcrumbs view as a default in the particular entity, the system will display you the view based on the...

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About Job Statuses (Kanban)

About Job Statuses (Kanban)Job statuses enable you to see the phases of many Jobs in one overview. It helps every company to know every Job’s status. In this view you can change the status of the Job easily just by dragging the Job. The status indicates which phase...

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About Job List

About Job ListJob list is an overview of all created Jobs, which can be sorted and filtered by various criteria. The most important criteria is the owner of the Job, deadline or status of the Jobs. Use Breadcrumbs to categorize and organize company Jobs or use the...

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About HR documents

About HR documentsThe HR documents section offers you a perfect view of all of the HR documents that have been created and stored in Teamogy. You can use filters to quickly find a specific HR document.The System allows you to create various types of HR documents. You...

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