/* pop ups */

Sales Invoice Details

Each Sales invoice includes the following data and information:

Date of Issue The date when the invoice is issued. It’s entered automatically but the date can be adjusted. The date format is based on your regional settings
Date of Supply The date when the service/goods were delivered to the client. It’s entered automatically but the date can be adjusted. The date format is based on your regional settings
Date of Payment

The due date to pay the invoice. It’s entered automatically based on:

1. The value, which you entered in Mark Company As A Client. In such a case, the date cannot be changed

2. The Default settings of Teamogy (usually 14 days) if you haven’t entered the Client maturity (in point 1). The date can be adjusted

Client If you choose the Client, then Address and Registration details will be entered automatically. If you have added more Person to Company more than one, you can choose another person as well
Purchase Order Number The field where you enter the client PO number, which is sometimes required by your clients
Reference Number Entered automatically by the program. Usually calculated from the invoice number but the formula can be also adjusted in the Teamogy setup
Category The ability to categorize the invoice. The default is categorized by region. The list of categories can be also adjusted in the Teamogy setup
Owner The Owner is usually the Author. It can be manually changed
Currency Choose from predefined currencies. Foreign currency is converted to the domestic currency at the rate that Teamogy receives from https://openexchangerates.org. The rate can be changed manually. For some selected countries, the source of the rate download is linked to their national bank directly
Payment Condition Choose from Cash or Bank transfer
Specification Type here the detailed specifications of the job delivery

Get in Touch

If you have problem or need further assistance, do not hesitate contact Teamogy Support. Use online chat (inside Teamogy or everywhere on www.Teamogy.com in the lower right corner) and you will get prompt reply.
