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Where to start with implementation of Teamogy?
(4 minutes read)
Communication inside your company is the key thing during the whole Onboarding. It is important that the key people of your company are informed. Before to meet them or send them information is good to consider folowing topics.
Goals and expectations
We recommend to write down the list of your important goals and expectations. Implementation of Teamogy may be used as a chance to step up in many areas. And you know the best the reason why you decided to go with Teamogy. Make your own list and be ready to share this list with your key people and stick with this list during whole onboarding.
Tip: Use our Onboarding checklist to fill your goals and expecatations
Who will be doing what
It is absolutely necessary to think about how your team will be working in Teamogy. For example, who will be in charge of to assing tasks, who has to fill time tracks, who is in charge to final approval of invoice and so on. Many activities are in fully working Teamogy. Is good to assign each activity to your jobtitles. This will give you and also your team members idea how the new system will change their daily routines and will help you to have basic idea what knowledge should each user know about Teamogy.
Tip: Use our Onboarding checklist to fill duties of users in Teamogy
Best day of going live
Important is to have a plan when you want to start using Teamogy. This effects many areas. When the current systems may be de-activated, when your people needs to be fully trained, when all the necessary consulation and set up your purchased from Teamogy needs to be finished. From our experience with easy set up and mid sized teams you can easily go live in three weeks from now (but , much sooner is possible if your want)
Check the FAQ’s
Teamogy team may offer you valualbe list of questions and possible solutions from many years of experience with implementation of system to companies. Question like: How to switch in the middle of the year? What to do with open jobs and tasks? How to continue with the numbering sequence? How to avoid the resistance of my team… All these questions and many more are for us well known and we offer you to check them for inspiration or may be a little bit to avoid your stress.
Go to the section of FAQ’s and read more of the real stories
RESULT OF THIS STEP – Communication with your Team
Now you know or you wrote down a lot of information about onboarding of Teamogy. It is great time to introduce it to your key people and our suggested content of Your communication is following:
Why we are implementing teamogy and what is our key goals as a company
How this change effect your people and what will be new duties and chalenges for them
When the whole company will start using Teamogy
Don’t forget that our team is ready to help you in case of need. Also below you can find our latest related posts section from our Blog. Great tips and real stories mostly shared by Teamogy users are ready to give you inspiration and help you to decide how to manage your company the best.
Helpfull articles – Real stories from our Blog
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