Financial team Training

How to have client request under control with Taemogy, how to manage the work of client guys easily
(2-4 hours of study time)

Financial team is responsible in company for various agendas. From issuing invoices to clients through pettycash transactions, controlling of 3rd party costs to bookkeeping. For sure it is serious to care about financial stability and trasparency, so it is absolutely necessary to know exactly what is going on in the internal tools where financial data are created. Let’s take a look what are the things that any financial guy should know well to mastering Teamogy. 


1. Big picture - Client Jobs & Internal overheads

What is Client Job (and its flow), What is Internal/client overhead
2 videos – duration 6 mins
Practical part  – none

2. Appearance & Accurate contacts

Set up your personal profile, How to create business contact (new client/brand), How to set registrations and details of client/supplier, How to certify the contact
4 videos – duration 15 mins
Practical part 15 mins

3. Job for client - Work management

Create new job for your client, Assign Tasks to your team, Manage your tasks for clients, Time recording
2 videos – duration 14 mins
Practical part 10 mins

4. Job - Quotation for client

Open new quotation for your job, set the items and descriptions, tune the look of document, send it to client, mark quotation as approved
3 videos – duration 11 mins
Practical part 10 mins

5. Job - Managing 3rd party supplies

Raise a purchase orders to your suppliers and approve the purchase invoices related to your job
2 videos – duration 8 mins
Practical part 10 mins

6. Job - Closing the job

Mark the job as done, create an invoice, check the all tasks are finished, all time tracks of team are in the job and close the job
3 videos – duration 12 mins
Practical part 10 mins

7. Reading & creating the Reports

Understanding the job report, how to create task/time report
4 videos – duration 21 mins
Practical part 15 mins

1. Overview & Big Picture

The core of the company business is created by client jobs, big picture of job flow is helpfull

Internal jobs and costs are manged by Overheads

to understand this difference is important

See the quick guide and watch the video please

Guide or Descritpion

2. Appearance & Accurate contacts

Each user in Teamogy might have different preferences. Someone likes dark theme, someone light. Font size is possible to adjust as well and to have Teamogy more usefull is great to upload your personal “avatar” and signature.

Basic entries what are used with all jobs, documents are contacts. So it is essential to know how to create them. In this chapter you will learn how to manage it. 

2.1 How to set up your own personal profile, theme and other preferences

Tune your Teamogy that fits your personal taste

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Set your photo, change the theme, set your font size, send the post it to your colleague

Guide or description

2.2 How to create business contact.(Clients, Brands, Suppliers,..)

To have all business contacts well organised is goal of each company. With Teamogy it is easy.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Create your favorite client (and brands), create address, create a person, fill in registration of company and upload some attachment

Guide or description

2.3 How to set registrations and bank account of contact

All documents will contain good officila data if you will manage it well in contacts. Let’s see how it works.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Create your favorite client (and brands), create address, create a person, fill in registration of company and upload some attachment

Guide or description #1
Registrations details


Guide or description #2
Bank accounts

2.4 How to add another address to company

Some companies might have different corespondence address and other branches as well. Let’s see how to manage it.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Create your favorite client (and brands), create address, create a person, fill in registration of company and upload some attachment

Guide or description

2.5 How to set relation (Client/Supplier) to a business contact

To separate the general business contacts from clients and suppliers is great to use tools in system. Let’s see how to do it

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Create your favorite client (and brands), create address, create a person, fill in registration of company and upload some attachment

Guide or description
Mark company as Client


Guide or description
Mark company as Supplier


2.6 How to certify the company

If you want to take under control with what companies you are making business is great tool to use certification. With this action you may mark to company as certified (valid) for other members of the team to use them. 

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Certify two suppliers and two clients with full data created

Guide or description


3. Jobs for client: Quotation & Purchase orders

3.1 How to create a Job

Opening of jobs is habit that you should know. Anytime there is a new assignment from client, it is great to open Job for it. The Job itself is an entry that helps you to keep under control all following activities

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Create your first job, set deadline, your will be the job owner, choose the client and brand, use tags to find your job easily in the future, check the access rights and add your colleague to the read access right

Guide or description

3.2 How open new quotation

All the activites we are doing to deliver the job to the client should be covered by the client. Quotation will help you to set the list and price of items that will be delivered wtihin this job. Client should recieve this quotation and in best case scenario should confirm this document to you.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Open your first  quotation directly from job, set the 2 items for your internal work (using hour rates) and 2 items for 3rd party supplier. Dont’ forget to set your mark up with 3rd party items. Categorise items to separate them visualy to Internal/External. Add descriptions below table. Activate column details and VAT. Save document as PDF. 

Guide or description #1
New quotation

Guide or description #2
Work with item table

3.3 How to mark quotation as approved 

To have instant overview about quotations, if is approved or still waiting for approval or what quotations are declined by client is great to manage precisely statuses of quotations.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Find your quotation in list of documents, see the current status, open quotation and change status to approved. Check the quotation is visible in job and values are valid in the job as well.

Guide or description

3.4 How to create a Purchase order

Some items of our jobs we are not able to deliver without a help of our suppliers. To specify exactly what we need from them, what we will be the price for their services and when we need the services will be delivered, is the best to using Purchase orders.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Open your job and create new purchase order. Choose your supplier, modify the subject. Delete the internal items and specify the price  and details of services you need to be delivered by supplier. Include more description above and under the item table. Save the PO as PDF

Guide or description #1
New PO


Guide or description #2
Work with item table

4. Third party costs (Purchase invoices, petty cash)


4.1 Purchase invoices – overview

We recommend to enter all your supplier invoices (including credit notes) into Teamogy. No matter if they are client job related or internal overheads. All belongs to be in Teamogy. You will have “digital” register of all your invoices including real invoice as an attachments. Every single one invoice belongs to Job or ovehreads so you will always know where the costs are belongs.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: None

Guide or description

4.2 New purchase invoice 

You should think about who will be doing the action of entering the invoice into Teamogy. It is not necessarily this action is operated by finance team. In some companies back office or receptionist are in charge to do this. But to know how to do it is a must for finance people as well.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Create you first purchase invoice. Choose the supplier you are certified before. Fill in detail about supply dates and description. Don’t forget to choose category of invoice and after save attach the invoice.

Guide or description

4.3 Allocate the invoice to job/overhead

As was mentioned each invoice should belong to Job or Overhead. Because most probably you have only jobs created yet you should allocate this invoice to job. But you can allocate it to more jobs, what might be quite common. It is necessary to be familiar with the searching jobs and overheads

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Allocate the invoice to more jobs and set various amount to each row. Provide specific description to each row. Approve the invoice (or change status) 

Guide or description

4.4 Various types of invoices

In each region might be little differences, but in general you might recieve from your supplier Invoice, Credit note, Proforma, Tax invoice. You should know that these documents are simmilar but has their own specifics. Especialy how they effect the actual costs in jobs, overheads and general reports.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Create one proforma and allocate it to job, create tax invoice and allocate to same job, create final invoice and deduct tax invoice. Finaly create credit not for 50% of value.

Guide or description #1
Purchase invoice

Guide or description #2
Purchase proforma

Guide or description #3
Prepayment invoice

Guide or description #4
Correction invoice



6. Job – Closing the job

6.1 How to mark job as delivered

To have a instant overview about various jobs you are doing, is necessary to maintain well their statuses. Once the job is handover to client and work is finished it is time to change status of job to Done.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Open your job and change status of job to Done

Guide or description


6.2 How to create a Draft of Invoice 

The jobs what are deliverd (marked as Done) should be charged to client. Means you should create Invoice to ask for your money. Let’s compose invoice and send it to further approval to your finance guys.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Open the job and create new invoice. Set up dates of supply, specify detail in description, choose the invoice categore (inland/foreign), type the client PO number to the body of invoice and save it.

Guide or description

6.3 How to close the job

To close the job is a goal of every job owner. To change the status to closed we indicate yoursefl that this job is over and we can focus on the opens ones and as well our managemnt may undertand the values from the job as final and stable.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Find your job and look at the financial talbe and check the status of all financial document. If they are waiting for approval, try to approve them or change the status to the final one. As well check the Tasks tab to see if all tasks are in close status, if not drop them to this status.

Guide or description

7. Reading & creating the reports

7.1 Understand the Job values in job item table

In previous sections you already looked into the item table, but just to recap what the table is showing. To understand it will give you a magic power to have all your individual jobs financial under control

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Open your  closed job and understand the numbers in the table.

Guide or description


7.2 Understand the Job report

If you know already how to read in the one individual job, another powerfull tool is going into your hand. It is report for all your jobs, where you can categorise and see the issues right in a second.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Open the section financial and open My Reports. Use the filter and choose All statuses. Find the job with lower billings than estimates, with hugher costs than estimated and find the jobs where you have not reported any hour.

Guide or description

RESULT OF THIS STEP: Client service activities are well known

Finaly the most wide range Training session is over and the user who passed these session is able to serve the client using the powerfull tools of Teamogy. Congratulations!


Don’t forget that our team is ready to help you in case of need. Also below you can find our latest related posts section from our Blog. Great tips and real stories mostly shared by Teamogy users are ready to give you inspiration and help you to decide how to manage your company the best.

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