Company’s resolutions for the next year
People have so many different things they set as resolutions and plans for the new year. According to statistics, only about 10% of people do not set resolutions at all. On the contrary, 59% of people make resolutions every year. However, it’s much harder to keep them. After the first week, about 75% of people stick to their resolutions, but by the end of the year, only 8% have actually carried out their resolutions.
hat about a company’s goals for the new year? A company that does not know where it is going or what its goal is most likely cannot operate effectively, or at least not as effectively as it could. For this reason, I would assume most successful companies set goals – a type of goal to reach by a certain time. The path to the goal (its strategy and implementation) can be very complex, and sometimes the reason why we do not get there is because of the large number of steps that must be done in order to reach each goal. This often causes us to be overwhelmed, which will hinder us from seeing and completing the necessary steps. It is ideal to classify activities according to their complexity (both financial and time), while at the same time according to the effect they hold. Deciding if we can’t handle everything now is easier than later on down the road.
Now I will jump again from corporate to personal development before we return to the company. In the area of personal development, one of the tools used to map the current situation and determine a good strategy to improve is the so-called Balance wheel.
It can have different versions. Personally, I prefer the one that allows us to evaluate 12 areas. You can see them in the following image.
First, one determines in each area how to personally rate it at the moment, on an imaginary scale from 0 to 10 points with 10 representing that it is in great condition and needs no improvement. It is very important to note that this is a subjective assessment of satisfaction with each given area. For example, someone may be satisfied with their career since he has the position of an executive who manages his job well, while someone else may be only satisfied if he becomes the director of a well-functioning company. Therefore, it is important to evaluate your personal attitude and feeling, not the expectations of others. After the current situation is well mapped, one ideally chooses one to a maximum of 3 areas in which, if he achieves improvement, it will have the best impact on his overall life for the better. It is worth narrowing down the most important priorities for a while because when we select too many areas at once, in the end, we usually can’t achieve any of them properly.
So we can apply the logic of the Balance wheel in the business world. Areas for evaluation and improvement can be divided into 4 parts:
Finance – income/expenses/unwanted money loss;
Relationships – internal/with clients/with suppliers;
Company development – professional management/ professional services/great company image (WOM);
Team development – time and energy for your own business and your development/active and competent team/achieving results according to plan;
hich areas are best for your business? Choose the ones that, if improved, will have the greatest impact on the positive outcome of the company.
And as the end of the year approaches, try to narrow down the individual areas into 12 resolutions. This doesn’t happen just by chance. The Teamogy system can help you fulfill each of your resolutions.
- resolutions – We will bill more money for the same effort.
- resolutions – We will not pay anyone more than necessary.
- resolutions – We will stop company money loss.
- resolutions – In each team, we will have a clear idea of who is responsible for what.
- resolutions – We will have great relationships with our clients because we will keep our promises.
- resolutions – Suppliers will respect us and will know that they will not be able to fool us.
- resolutions – We will no longer spend unnecessary time on confusing administration tasks.
- resolutions – We will have complete control over the projects.
- resolutions – Customers will know that we are a quality company.
- resolutions – Everyone on the team will be active and will spend time on meaningful work.
- resolutions – Everyone in the company will have time for their professional personal development.
- resolutions – We will have all results under control at all times, both with clients and personnel.
If you want to learn how Teamogy can help you with the most important company resolutions, note here that you are interested in a free one-hour consultation. We will be happy to chat with you online and then work out a specific proposal. Maybe it will help make 2022 even more successful.
Naďa is a member of the management team for AD-IN-ONE Europe. She specializes in coaching and marketing communication. She is a certified coach of ICF and ČAKO and the holder of the Direct Marketer of the Year award bestowed by the ADMEZ Association. She has been involved in marketing for over twenty-five years and coaching for the last seven years. In her free time, she enjoys sailing and is an active fan of modern gymnastics, which she participated in during her youth.
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