Common Training

Personal preferences, Post-its, Basic work with documents and the most favorite part Holidays!
(0,5  hour of study time)

Teamogy offers a wide scope of features what are useable for all users, no matter what is their position or duty in company. 


1. Personal setting & Dashboard

How to set your Appereance of Teamogy (font size, theme, your avatar,..), How to work with stickers
1 video – duration 6 mins
Practical part  – none

2. Documents basics

Create good looking documents and never lost them
1 video – duration 5 mins
Practical part 5 mins

3. Absence requests

How to raise an absence request, Where to find the list of my absences
2 videos – duration 5 mins
Practical part 5 mins

4. Help & Support

Where are Teamogy manuals, How to ask for help from Teamogy representative
1 video – duration 3 mins
Practical part 3 mins

1. Personal setting & Dashboard

Each user in Teamogy might have different preferences. Someone likes dark theme, someone light. Font size is possible to adjust as well and to have Teamogy more usefull is great to upload your personal “avatar” and signature.

1.1 How to set up your own personal profile, theme and other preferences

Tune your Teamogy that fits your personal taste

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Set your photo, change the theme, set your font size, send the post it to your colleague

Guide or description #1
Upload avatar

Guide or description #2
Change theme

read other guides in the section…

1.2 Using stickers to communicate and remind

Many people loves color stickers. We do as well, you can use them to remind you anything right on your dashboard, and also you can send them to your colleague. This cool feature can be used with any entry in Teamogy

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Stick some sticker to your own screen and send one to your colleague

Guide or description #1
Add new sticker

Guide or description #2
Send the sticker

2. Documents

2.1 How to create company documents

Sometimes is needed to write any kind of description, meeting report or various other documents. It is best habit to create all document in entire company in one place using the company teamplates. That’s what Teamogy gives you

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Create your own document (internal document, some description), Create meeting report from meeting your favorite client and save it as PDF. Find your documents in the system.

Guide or description #1
New document

Guide or description #2
New meeting report

Guide or description #3
Find your documents

3. Absence requests

3.1 How to ask for holidays

Even if we all love our job, sometimes we love to rest as well. To let know others about you will be missing is good habit to use Teamogy absences. Let’s have a look how to ask for the leave.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Create your summer holiday application and send it to your supervisor, Create the illness record for last week and send it further for approval.

Guide or description
3.2 Where to find list of Absences

During the whole year you might have many leaves, some holidays some sickness. To see all these entries in one overview use absences view as well.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Find your absences in the view of absences

4. Help & support

4.1 Teamogy manuals

During training everything is clear, but sometimes after half year of not using some actions in Teamogy you might be lost. Therefore there are guides and decriptions ready. See where they are

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Try to find guide how to work with Task statuses

Guide or description

4.2 Chat with Teamogy support

Sometimes your issue is to big to handle by yourself. So we are here at any point as a helping hand. Check how to use support chat.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Try to contact Teamogy support using chat and ask for example: What is size limit of attachments in Teamogy.

RESULT OF THIS STEP: Common features and activities are well known

All basics things are known well now, so everyone should be able to use Teamogy common features. The rest of Teamogy cake you will taste depends on what is your jobtitle and what you need for doing your work.


Don’t forget that our team is ready to help you in case of need. Also below you can find our latest related posts section from our Blog. Great tips and real stories mostly shared by Teamogy users are ready to give you inspiration and help you to decide how to manage your company the best.

Helpfull articles – Real stories from our Blog

Interiors with love …and with overview.

Interiors with love …and with overview.

The team of architects, planners and interior designers from Premiers interiors have been creating interiors with love for 5 years and have already completed more than 100 projects. We chatted with Patrick Cirbus, COO of Premier Interiors about the projects, working with clients and also what Teamogy has brought to the company on a daily basis.