Sub-tasks activation

Sub-tasks Activation Some Teamogy functionality needs activation. The sub-tasks, that are part of Tasks, belong to this group. So see this simple tutorial on how to activate Sub-tasks. 1. In the left navigation menu, unroll Configuration. 2. Click on Register. 3. Into...

Limit and Competence

Limit and Competence Sometimes it happens that you have a user in two agencies that have different accounting currencies. Set different limits (competence) for processing documents in both agencies. First thing you need to do is find the process, where you want to...

Division and Department activation

Division and Department Activation Some Teamogy functionality needs activation. The Division and Department, belong to this group. So see this simple tutorial on how to activate Division and Department. This guide will show you, how to activate Division, but for the...

Creating of Division and Department

Creation of Division and Department In the first step – Division and Department activation – we showed up how to activate the Divisions. Now the use of Divisions in Teamogy is activated, but now we need to create the specific Divisions that clients will...

Logo for Division and Department

Logo for Division and Department In the previous steps – We have activated and created the division. – now divisions and departments still have the general Teamogy settings. You need to set how divisions should be different from the general settings. In...

Adding user into Division and Department

Adding user into Division and Department In the previous steps – We have activated, created the division. Also we set up a few things to the divison. Now we need to set division for particular users. You need to make sure that users belong to their...