Clone And Pair

Clone And Pair Cloning and Pairing Sales Quotation in Teamogy is a useful method that will fast up your work. This method allows you to clone an existing Sales Quotation and pair into the new/another Job. 1. Open with double-click the selected Sales Quotation that you...

Cancel or Revoke cancelling

Cancel or Revoke cancelling You can cancel Invoices, Sales Quotations, Orders and Absences or revoke cancelling by the button that is next to the SAVE and PROCESS button. Cancel 1. Choose Invoice, Sales Quotation, Order or Absence that you want to cancel. 2. Click on...

How To Clone in Teamogy

How To Clone in Teamogy Cloning in Teamogy is a quick and easy way how to create the same Document (Job, Invoice etc.) from existing one. In every element of Teamogy you could use CLONE button. This manual will show you How To Clone a Document. But you could apply...

Cancelling Process

Cancelling Process If you have set up the process to your system, there is option to Cancel the process. This feature is available for users with advanced rights. By doing this action you will not cancel the whole document, but only the Process!  There is important...

Cancelling Documents

Cancelling Documents The system enables you to Cancel the whole document. Use the button for advanced editing and Cancel the document. If you did it right, then in the proper view you will see that the document is Cancelled and the print overview will be marked with...

Closing remarks on Jobs

Closing remarks on Jobs You can add closing remarks that will be shown in Report. Here you can specify for example: why the specific Job is not profitable. You can add closing remarks in the Job. Go to the Reports and you can see an icon of the closing remarks Get in...