Absence reports

Absence Reports Keeping track of the Absences will give you a greater overview and efficiency in scheduling your employees’ time. With Teamogy you have an option to easily see the fully overview of monthly, annual Absences of your employees. You will never have the...


Manuals You will find a detailed description of all available Teamogy system functions in the manuals. The manuals are divided into several main areas that correspond to the modules in the Teamogy system. Each module begins with a brief description of the topic,...


Manuals You will find a detailed description of all available Teamogy system functions in the manuals. The manuals are divided into several main areas that correspond to the modules in the Teamogy system. Each module begins with a brief description of the topic,...

Cierre de año en Teamogy

Datos claros e informes adecuados / Cierre de año en Teamogy Teamogy debe ser su herramienta como su mano derecha para usted y para su negocio. Sin embargo, para que Teamogy le muestre los datos correctos, debe usarlos correctamente durante todo el año. El final del...

Allocation and its sharing

Allocation and its sharing Allocation is a important element of every Task. Allocation is a number of hours, that Owner enters to solve the Task. It is good to have control over how many hours your employees spend on Tasks. Allocation behaves differently depending on...