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Cash Basis Performance

Cash basis performance helps to track company financial performance based on Revenues and Costs.

This chart shows Revenues (green bar) and Costs (blue bar) for the selected months. The chart locates both Revenues and Costs into the period according to their accounting date, regardless of the status of the relevant Job, Client Overhead, or Internal Overhead.

The grey line represents a Cumulated Operating Profit evolution for your chosen time period. Revenues and Costs are calculated only from valid financial documents.

This chart is visible only for users in the following groups: Supervisor, Financial Supervisor and Finance. 

The source for chart data can be found in:

1. P&L in the Report section. Use the proper filters (breadcrumbs) to see the relevant data (Period and Job type):

a) To see Direct Revenues and Direct Costs from Job, use Job type = Job

b) To see Direct Revenues and Direct Costs from Client Overhead, use Job type = Client Overhead

c) To see Operating Revenues and Operating Costs from Internal Overhead, use Job type = Internal Overhead

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If you have problem or need further assistance, do not hesitate contact Teamogy Support. Use online chat (inside Teamogy or everywhere on www.Teamogy.com in the lower right corner) and you will get prompt reply.
