Administrator training

System administration
(2-3 hours of study time)

Teamogy is compex system for entire company. There is a need to have someone who know best Tips & Tricks, but also is able to maintain the system sences


1. Overview & Big picture

Teamogy logic desription, How the system works
1 video – duration 7 mins
Practical part  – none

2. Appearance

Set up your personal profile, Discover the Dashboard and available features there
1 videos – duration 10 mins
Practical part 10 mins

3. Users & Groups maintenance

How to create new user, How to deactivate the user, How to maintain groups
3 videos – duration 20 mins
Practical part 15 mins

4. Access rights

How the access rights are working, Default access rights for the enties, How to modify access rights
3 videos – duration 15 mins
Practical part 15 mins

5. Documents management & Gems

Discover documents module, Create different types of documents, Discover Gems module, Create Gem
3 videos – duration 15 mins
Practical part 10 mins

6. Approval process

Understand approval processes, Change process participant, Restart the process
3 videos – duration 30 mins
Practical part 10 mins

7. Attendance & Absences

Discover attendance and check-in/check-out function, Crate absence request
2 videos – duration 8 mins
Practical part 10 mins

1. Overview & Big Picture

The core of the company business is created by client jobs, big picture of job flow is helpfull

Internal jobs and costs are manged by Overheads

to understand this difference is important

See the quick guide and watch the video please

Guide or Descritpion

2. Appearance

Each user in Teamogy might have different preferences. Someone likes dark theme, someone light. Font size is possible to adjust as well and to have Teamogy more usefull is great to upload your personal “avatar” and signature. 

2.1 How to set up your own personal profile, theme and other preferences

Tune your Teamogy that fits your personal taste

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Set your photo, change the theme, set your font size, send the post it to your colleague

Guide or description

3. Users & Groups maintanance

3.1 Configuration – New user creation

New user creation is usually managed by system system Administrator. New colleague should have access to the system as soon as possible to get the habits common in the company.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Create new user and fill all the important details.

Guide or description

3.2 Configuration – User deactivation

When the person is not working for the company any more it is important to deactivate the user profile in Teamogy to ban him from the system to be sure that the person has no longer access to company data.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Deactivate your newly created user.

Guide or description

3.3 Configuration – Groups

Groups in Teamogy are very important for user’s access rights and role setting. System Administrator should be able to setup groups for user or modify it.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Understand the group and their function. Assign your newly crated user to the group like he/she is Account manager.

Guide or description

4. Access rights

Each entry in Teamogy has own access rights setting and it is predefined by the system. There is specified who can see and who can edit newly created entry in the system.

4.1 Access rights in general

Each entry has Access tab where you can see the setting. There are 4 parts and it is important to understand it to be able to maintain you company.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Discover access tab and change Rights granted by owner to allow 1 of your colleagues to see the document, 1 to allow to edit your document and group Users to see your document.

Guide or description

4.2 Default access rights by type of the entry

Each entry has Access tab where you can see the setting. There are 4 parts and it is important to understand it to be able to maintain you company.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Study the access right by type of the entry to understand it and be able to help your colleagues with this setting.

Guide or description

4.3 Rights granted by owner

There is Rights granted by owner part in Access tab where is possible to add/remove permissions to read or edit the entry for users and groups.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Open access tab and change Rights granted by owner to allow 1 of your colleagues to see the document, 1 to allow to edit your document and group Users to see your document.

Guide or description

5. Documents management & Gems

5.1 Documents – overview

We recommend to enter all important documents into Teamogy. No matter if they are client job related or internal. All belongs to be in Teamogy. You will have “digital” register of all your documents including real documents as an attachments. It is easy to setup who can see and read the document and it is available anytime. There is many types of document so it is very easy to find the document you need.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: None

Guide or description

5.2 New document

Enter all important documents to the Teamogy to have it available everytime it is needed. Select good document type and company of the document to have easy way how to find it. Do not forget to setup access for the document to be sure that it will be available for people who need it.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Create one Contract with limited access rights (only management). Create one Handover protocol and add your colleagues to have access to read it.

Guide or description

5.3 Gems

Gems are representing the knowledge, best practises and other important information of the company. It is great to keep all the company rules and recommendations there to be able to share it with someone when it is needed, for example new employee.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Discover Gems module. Create you 1st gem.

Guide or description

6. Approval process

When the company is using approval processes for the document it is important to understand it and maintain it.

6.1 Approval process description

When the company is using approval processes it is very important for system administrator to understand it to be able to maintain it.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Discover approval process and study the flow to understand the parts of the process and to know how it works.

Guide or description


6.2 Process step owner change

Sometimes is needed to change the user who is responsible for approval of the document because the user is now available in the meantime and it needs to be approved immediately.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Open the document in process and change the process step owner.

Guide or description

6.3 Restart process

Sometimes is needed to restart the process of the document because there was the a mistake in decision for example.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Open the document with activated process and restart the approval process.

Guide or description

7. Attendance & Absences

7.1 Attendance – Check-in/Check-out

This functionality in Teamogy allows the company to track and monitor attendance of their employees. It shows how much time each employee spends in work each day. Attendance enable you to track late arrivals, early departures and time taken on breaks. This information is important for HR.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Discover the Attendance modul. Use check-in and check-out in the system.

Guide or description #1
About Attendance

Guide or description #2


7.2 Absences

Users can apply for vacation, home office, and other types of absences. Absence requests may also have an approval process – the most common is when the supervisor approves the request of his employee and the final approval is made by a responsible HR person.

See the guide and watch the video please…
Output/Practical part: Discover the Absences overview and create our 1st absence and send it for approval.

Guide or description #1
About Absences

Guide or description #2
New Absence

RESULT OF THIS STEP: Administrator activities are well known

Finaly the most wide range Training session is over and the user who passed these session is able to maintain Teamogy system. Congratulations!


Don’t forget that our team is ready to help you in case of need. Also below you can find our latest related posts section from our Blog. Great tips and real stories mostly shared by Teamogy users are ready to give you inspiration and help you to decide how to manage your company the best.

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