Take under control who can see what
(10 minutes read / 30 minutes set up)
One of the last things before your company can go live with Teamogy for entire team is to set properly users acces rights and user roles.
It is important to set up all perfectly and be aware that the top management, administrator of system understood how the access rights are set and how to maintain them.
There are three levels that defines who can read what, who can edit entries and do some operations. First of all is necessary to set who will have “super access”. Than regular users should be assigned to certain “browsers roles” to let them work with that what is required for their duty. Than is necessary to check how is by default set access rights to individual entries in the system
1. Superusers and Top guys access
As a first set up of access rights is good to start with the top management. Let’s open Configuration – Groups where these access rights are ruled
Supervisor group – This user is allowed to see everything in the system, there is no chance this user will not see and item in navigation as well as nobody can hide any entry in front of this user. We recommend to include into this group only the top people in company like: Owners, Managing directors, CEO’s
User configurator group – Only the user with this role is allowed to create users, change users, deactivated users and also assign access rights. Only user who is in this group can see in left navigation section Configuration – Users and Groups
Financial Supervisor group – This user is by default allowed to see all “financially kind” items in the navigation and entries in Teamogy: Jobs, Overheads, Invoices, Cashbox, Internal notes. Into this group we recommend to assign CFO’s, Financial director, Financial controller
Now you are sure that key users are set and they will have all tools for their work available.
2. Access to “Navigation menu items” – set up “Browsers”
On the left side of the screen at Teamogy are various options like: Documents (My,All), Jobs (List, Statuses), Tasks (List, Statuses, Planner), Time track (Time recorder, My time records,All time records), Contacts, Financial (Client invoices, Supplier invoices,… ) Simply, Teamogy offers wide range of options but not all those options are for everyone’s eyes. User who is junior and new in company only need limited access to that, what he is supposed to do. Like record time or work on tasks. On the other hand the management or financial team needs almost full scope of options.
So how this works?
Brand new created user is allowed to see only limited set of options on the left side:
In Process, Documents (My documents), Jobs (Statuses, List), Tasks (Task planner, Statuses, List), Time record (Timerecorder, My timesheet)
As is described the user with basic rights see just that what is most essential and in most of the cases needed. But in case there is a need to give additional access to other items in menu, like Documents created by other guys or to allow browse also in Contacts, that require to assign users to more various Groups.
These groups are in Configuration – Groups, where are these groups of “browser” kind ready to assign whoever it makes sense for your company.
Example: ‘Contact browser’ group – Will “unhide” the view for Contacts, ‘Purchase invoice browser’ – will “unhide” the view of Purchase invoices, ‘Absence browser’ will unhide the view for Absences,…
It is important to consider well who should be part in what kind of “browser” group.
Be aware that to be in such a group, for example ‘Purchase invoice browser’, doesn’t mean that the user see the all data in this view. It just enable the user this option to access the view. Each document in Teamogy has its own rights. So to see the item on the left navigation doesn’t mean perso see everything there. This is specified in next part of this chapter.
3. Access rights to individual entries in Teamogy
Each entry created in Teamogy (only exception are Time tracks) has its own default access rights rules. So when any entry is created, will be granted access to the entry for various users or groups by its default. For example Author will be granted with rights to edit the entry, his senior is granted with rights to read, see this document and for example same rights are granted to Team Management and rights to edit the entry, so full access rights are granted to Finance team.
Important is to verify with client the default set up is correct and will be working well. Here is the list of entries and its default access rights.
Read: All authors managers, Finance team, Management
Edit: Finance Supervisor, Job Approver
Read: All authors managers, Finance team, Management
Edit: Finance Supervisor, Job Approver
Read: All authors managers, Finance team, Management
Edit: Finance Supervisor, Job Approver
RESULT OF THIS STEP: Basic set up is DONE! You can start with training
Your system is ready and you can start to use it in entire company. If you dind’t decided to set up any addons all is done, and you can start training of your team!
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