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About Tasks

Managing Tasks is a must-have for efficient time management. Release your tension and stress – have everything effectively planned, including deadlines. You can take your mind off everything that is already planned within Tasks. Enjoy a single place where all planning takes place.

Every Job flow usually needs the coordination of different professions – internal or external.

Teamogy provides you with a perfect overview; who is available and who is occupied for a selected period of time. You can see the workload of your company in one single view.

You can easily create new tasks for your internal resources (creative officers, programmers, online specialists, and others) and plan their work, including a detailed description of the Task and also the required allocation. Users can quickly create new Time records directly against Tasks.

There are a couple of different views for tasks, which enables you to fully control the entire company and every single job:

Capacity plan the visual overview of selected resources and their workload. Great tool for capacity planning.
Task schedule the visual overview in the style of Gantt chart. It makes your work and planning the Tasks much easier.
Task statuses the Task board, which provides a great overview of selected tasks in different categories. Easy to drag & drop.
Task list the list of all Tasks with many possible filters.

Get in Touch

If you have problem or need further assistance, do not hesitate contact Teamogy Support. Use online chat (inside Teamogy or everywhere on www.Teamogy.com in the lower right corner) and you will get prompt reply.
