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About Financial Board

The finance board is a place that provides a clear view of the entire company. It contains charts with key indicators – overall evolution of revenues and costs of the company, according to financial and Job aspects, various views on client profitability and efficiency, and VAT report.

All charts have the option to select a date period while client reports also have the option to monitor the best and worst ranked clients.

Cash Basis Performance

Cash Basis PerformanceCash basis performance helps to track company financial performance based on Revenues and Costs. This chart shows Revenues (green bar) and Costs (blue bar) for the selected months. The chart locates both Revenues and Costs into the period...

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Accrual Basis Performance

Accrual Basis PerformanceAccrual basis performance helps to track company performance based on Jobs, Client Overheads, and Internal Overheads. This chart shows Revenues (green bar) and Costs (blue bar) for the selected months. The chart locates both Revenues and Costs...

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Clients by Gross Margin

Clients by Gross Margin  This chart shows client ranking by Gross Margin and also shows Gross Profit as additional information. Client Gross Margin is represented by the dark grey bar. Client Gross Profit is represented by the light grey bar. Gross Margin is...

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Clients by EHP

Clients by EHP This chart shows client rankings by Effective Hourly Payroll. This is a perfect criterion for measuring real client profitability. Effective Hourly Payroll is calculated per client as Gross Margin divided by Recorded Hours in a selected period and is...

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Clients By Recorded Hours

Clients by Recorded Hours This chart shows client ranking by the number of Recorded hours. This chart tells you which clients use your agency people the most. Effective Hourly Payroll is used as additional information – you can double-check if the most served clients...

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VAT Balance

VAT Balance This chart shows the VAT Balance – the difference between the VAT on Sales Invoices and the VAT on Purchase Invoice. The positive column (green bar) shows the obligation to pay the VAT – the situation when your VAT on Sales Invoices (Output VAT) exceeds...

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Get in Touch

If you have problem or need further assistance, do not hesitate contact Teamogy Support. Use online chat (inside Teamogy or everywhere on www.Teamogy.com in the lower right corner) and you will get prompt reply.
